DC Extended Universe (DCEU) is an American media franchise and shared universe that is centered on aof superhero films, distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, based on charers that appear in publications by DC Comics. The shared universe, much like the original DC Universe in comic books, was established by crossing over common plot elements, settings, cast and charers. The films have been in production since new and in that time Warner Bros. has distributed three films with more than ten in various stages of production. Thehas grossed over $2.2 billion at the global box office, currently making it the twenty-second highest-grossing film franchise.\r
The films are written and directed by a variety of individuals and feature large, often ensemble, casts. Several ors, including Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller, Jason Momoa and Ray Fisher, are set to appear in numerous films. In May 2016, DC Comics chief creative officer Geoff Johns and Warner Bros. executive vice president Jon Berg were appointed to co-run the DC Films division and oversee creative decisions, production and story-arcs in order to create a cohesive overarching plot within the films.\r
The first film released in the DCEU was Man of Steel (new), a reboot of the Superman film , which was followed by the sequel Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad (both 2016). Future films slated for release are Wonder Woman (2017), Justice League (2017), Aquaman (2018), Shazam (2019), Cyborg (2020) and Green Lantern Corps (2020). Other projects are also in development, including sequels to Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman and Justice League, a second Superman solo film, Justice League Dark, Gotham City Sirens and solo films for Batman, Batgirl, Black Adam, The Flash and Nightwing.\r
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